OSX & Windows Trojans Targeting Switzerland


Thought Leadership

OSX & Windows Trojans Targeting Switzerland

David Pickett

This morning a unique campaign targeting Macs has caught our attention. This attempt contained a .zip file carrying a Mac (OSX) trojan known as Aptordoc (OSX.Dok).

All of these emails contained the OSX Aptordoc trojan, however, some also had a Windows trojan downloader known as W97M.Dropper (Mal/DocLnk-B) attached, also like the example pictured below.  These messages were sent to our Switzerland clients with the .ch domain extension.

Mac can be susceptible to malicious attacks

Macs not being susceptible to attacks is a common misconception. While we see less attempts targeting Macs, they are definitely susceptible to malicious attacks such as this.  Below is and example of the current malicious email that is making the rounds. Under the example image is a rough unedited Google Translation to English.

At AppRiver, our SecureTide spam and virus filtering team works 24/7/365 to protect our customers from these types of threats as they emerge.

OSX trojan aptordoc

Unedited Google Translation:

Display Name: Canton Police Zurich

Subject: Unsuccessful contact attempt

Good day.
My name is Walter Seeholzer, I am an inspector from the Zurich Criminal Investigation Department.
We have tried to get in touch with you to ask you some questions, but unfortunately we have been unsuccessful.
This document contains a list of questions as well as my telephone number.
Best regards,
Walter Seeholzer

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